Building Permits Surge in St. Tammany Parish
July 3, 2018
In the first half of 2018, St. Tammany Parish has issued a rising number of building permits. With an increase of 8.8% in residential permits and and increase of 16.5%commercial permits, authorities rae encouraged. Building permits are an important indicator of an area’s economic health. Read more at
St. Tammany Parish Tax Sale Scheduled for July 16
June 27, 2018
Up to 1700 properties will be available at the upcoming St. Tammany Parish Tax Sale. The sale begins at 10 A.M. at the St. Tammany Parish Justice Center. Interested buyers can fill out a short form at the Sheriff’s Office or register online at For more information on the process call (985) 809-8217.
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Overview of Metairie LA
Metairie, LA is home to the baseball team known as New Orleans Baby Cakes (originally the Zephyrs). This minor league club used to play its home matches at Privateer Park, which, from the year 1992 through 1996, is home to the UNO's (University of New Orleans)...
Wildlife Management Area near Slidell – Pearl River
The area-- 'Pearl River Wildlife Administration Area' lies near Slidell in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, in the United States. It's also known as Pearl River WMA. This location is composed of 35619 acres. 'Pearl River Wildlife Administration Area' and is managed by...
Metairie – Vibrant Suburb of New Orleans
Меtаіrіе іs thе fіrst suburb оf Νеw Оrlеаns, оnе оf thе оldеst сіtіеs іn thе Unіtеd Ѕtаtеs. Оn Мау 7, 1718, Νеw Оrlеаns wаs еstаblіshеd оn thе Міssіssіррі Rіvеr dеltа аs а Frеnсh соlоnу frоm thе Соmраgnіе du Міssіssіррі. Аs dероsіts оf sеdіmеnt аnd sіlt buіlt uр, thе...
New Orleans Home Ownership Rates on the Rise
More New Orleans residents own homes than residents in bigger cities like Los Angeles, New York, and Houston. But fewer New Orleans residents own homes than cities like Nashville, Baltimore, and Atlanta. The good news is that the home ownership rate in the Greater New...
Visiting the Honey Island Swamp in Slidell
The Honey Island Swamp is a 'marshland,' which is located in the eastern portion of the USA, Louisiana in St. Tammany Parish. This marshland earned its name 'Honey Island ' because of the honeybees saw on a nearby isle. In ‘Honey Island Swamp’ there is legendary...
Short Term Rentals in New Orleans
Looking to rent out your home for Jazzfest, Mardi Gras, or any time of the year through AirBnB or other services? The New Orleans city council is looking into limiting your ability to do that. If you have a home in the city of New Orleans, you may soon be limited in...

Where did 2017 home prices go up in Orleans Parish?
Prices were down overall, but a few Orleans ZIP codes countered the trend. The latest report on average home prices shows prices inside New Orleans proper slid 3.4 percent from 2016 to 2017, reversing the upward climb in prices that had held true for several years...

Hottest New Orleans Area ZIP Codes for Home Prices in 2017
The latest report on single-family homes sales in the New Orleans area shows prices were down in Orleans Parish in 2017, but rose in the suburbs. What areas saw the largest increase in prices? The report, produced by Real Property Associates using data from the New...